Tom Brady Reveals Key to Football Success and Excitement for 2024 Olympics

Credit: Tom Brady/Instagram

In a new chat with People Magazine, Tom Brady, the former husband of Gisele Bundchen, shared his excitement about joining the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. "It's going to be so fun," the NFL legend exclaimed, noting that his three kids will also accompany him during the games.

Reflecting on his illustrious football career, Brady highlighted a rare quality that contributes to the success of any sportsman. "It's really about being selfless," he declared. "I was a part of a culture that was about being totally selfless.”

Brady quoted famed basketball coach John Wooden, saying, "Happiness begins where selfishness ends." He explained that this philosophy was deeply ingrained in his football teams. "We were just a bunch of people that loved being together and we didn't care who got the credit. We just wanted to win. That's a really unique thing."

The 46-year-old NFL player also talked about his future plans beyond football. "When I think about this next part of my life, it's the same thing: being around great people that support you, that give you feedback. If you want something to be successful, it's all the same fundamentals as sports," he shared.

Tom Brady is reportedly all set to rock the 2024 Summer Olympics, bringing the same dedication and spirit that marked his football career to the global stage.

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