Justin Timberlake Plans his Next Move After DWI Arrest

Credit: Jessica Biel/Instagram

Justin Timberlake, 43, was released on Tuesday morning after being arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) in the Hamptons.

The singer was accused of jumping a stop sign following a night out with friends in the exclusive spot Sag Harbor.

In the wake of the arrest, a source told TMZ that Justin has "no plans to check into a rehab facility." They explained, "Voluntarily seeking treatment in rehab or alcohol education classes can put them in a position for a better plea deal, but Justin has a different plan."

Despite the controversy, Justin quickly prioritized his tour crew. He contacted them right after getting bailed out to address the situation.

An insider said, "He made sure that this arrest didn't create tension in the crew. He reacted like a boss, like someone who owns his s***."

The source also revealed that he had a long conference call following his release, as his team was concerned about how the incident might impact their tour. Justin apologized to his crew "for bringing this kind of attention to the team," according to the US Sun.

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