Story - My Girlfriend Called Me Insecure About her Male Friend

Kurt, a man in a committed relationship with his girlfriend Miya, expressed his concern to Nilatch.Com about her growing friendship with her male friend Lance.

Initially, Kurt had said that Miya had assured him that Lance was a distant friend who lived in another state and rarely contacted her. However, he recently discovered that Lance actually lived in the same state and was in regular contact with Miya, especially during times of disagreement between the couple.

Kurt's suspicion peaked when Miya sat in her car for an unusual amount of time before entering the house, making sure to hang up the phone before entering. When he inquired about the call, Miya insisted it was with her female friend, but he was suspicious due to their past problems with infidelity.

Adding to Kurt's concern was Miya's defensive reaction to his questions about Lance. She insisted that Kurt should trust her and accused him of being insecure about their friendship.

In this situation, Kurt, you should have an honest conversation with Miya about your feelings and concerns. You should not accuse her of anything, but rather express your discomfort with the situation and ask for clarification. It may be helpful to establish boundaries together regarding how much contact Miya and Lance should have, especially during times of conflict in your relationship.

Additionally, Kurt, we suggest that you meet Lance in person to alleviate any concerns you may have. This could also be an opportunity for you to gauge the nature of their friendship and assess whether your concerns are valid.

Ultimately, communication and trust are key to resolving any issues in a relationship. If Miya is willing to listen to your concerns and work towards a solution together, you two can build a stronger and more secure relationship.

Do you need advice? Tell us your story by emailing us at [email protected].

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